Saturday, April 26, 2014

Another small finish

 The Nativity design is the Nativity chart in Barbara Mock's Christmas Quickies  booklet. I changed some of the floss - most of them to be truthful.  Not because I didn't like the charted colours, it was more to do with which floss shades I had handy in my work basket at the time.  Once again. the scan makes the ornament look mis-shapen, but really it's not. I must learn to scan more accurately.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The last of the batch

Finished up this afternoon.  An ornament for a  delightful teenager. The designer s credited in the post above,

I knew I should have taken the time to reposition the ornament for scanning - it's not really distorted in shape.  Just poor scanning technique.

Stitching again - four new little finishes

Thank you for the kind comments about my poor little Maddie.  I miss her greatly.  She was my constant companion for the past 15 years, and I still find myself automatically looking to see where she is before I put the end of my recliner down.  The house seems so lifeless without her presence. This is the first time in over 40 years that I have not had a doggy companion in the house. I'm finding the adjustment very difficult.  Right now I don't think I can take another dog into my life - but maybe that will change with time.  I still do have my cat Ruby, but she is very independent and aloof, and right now she's holidaying with a friend.  Maybe when she returns next month things will seem more normal.

It seems so long since I picked up my needle.  I think that so far 2014 is my least productive stitching year this century - and for many years before that!  In the last few days I have managed to finish up up four of the five ornaments that have been sitting in my work basket for the last month or so. Three are to be Christmas gifts, and the other is for me.

This is a Christmas gift for Tilly, my niece's much loved dog.  The design is adapted from the tree design in Barbara Mock's Christmas Quickies II booklet.

These design for these little gingerbread people was also in Barbara Mock's Christmas Quickies II.  This ornament is for my great-niece Chloe.

The chart for the Manger is from Graphworks Mini Motif Designs for Christmas I. I have also stitched the same design for Matthew's twin brother Daniel, but haven't yet finished upthat ornament.

And this little Santa is for me.  The chart for this Santa was in an old (1970s) BH&G Christmas Ideas magazine.  The ornament (excluding beads) is less than 5cm  (2") long  and only about 2.5 cm (1") wide.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sad news

My poor little Madalyn (15 year old Maltese) lost her long battle with heart failure this week.  She was so precious to me, and such a big part of my daily life.  I really miss her terribly.

RIP, my Maddie.