Saturday, May 27, 2017

Smalls SAL report for May

It's time, once again, for the monthy Smalls SAL. I didn't post last month, as I was enjoying a relaxing camping holiday with very limited access to power and none at all to the computer.

I have stitched three small projects this month.  This one is the smallest - it fits into one of the little gold frames (just a tad over 2.5cm or 1" square) I've been using lately.  A truly tiny finish.

Santa adapted from a chart in BH&G's treasury of Cross-Stitch booklet

My other two finishes are snowmen, which will be finished as Christmas ornaments to be given as Christmas gifts to English brothers, grandchildren of an old friend.  I've not stitched many snowpeople, as I live in an area where snow just doesn't happen, and we don't associate snowpeople with Christmas in the way that is common in the northern hemisphere.  It has been a pleasure to stitch this little pair, so I think I will stitch a third, for a young member of our extended family who lives in New York.  The charts for these little snowmen came from BH&G's 101 Christmas Cross-Stitch Designs booklet, published in 1999. I changed the floss colours and some of the facial features.

Thanks for popping by.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Yay! Some finishes for May

In the last few days I have finished up the ornaments I stitched on my camping holiday and after my return.  So now I am happy!

This one is my favourite.  It will find itself hanging on one of my Christmas trees this year, instead of wrapped for delivery to its intended recipient.  Such is life! Love Heart freebie (with a few changes)

Two ornaments, one each for two gorgeous little Kiwi sisters, grandchildren of an old friend.

Santa Alphabet from LA's Alphabets Galore book

 I have decided to give this one to my youngest sister.  She has one of my stitched Christmas ornaments or framed Christmas designs  for each year since 1985.

 The Drawn Thread freebie First Snow, with lots of changes
 (fabric, floss, hearts instead of birds, snow omitted, greeting added)

I stitched this for the dog belonging to the family of my oldest niece.  If you have excellent vision and a very good imagination, you might see a row of bones across the middle of the ornament.

Santa Hat Alphabet from Jeanette Crews Designs Christmas Alphabets and Borders booklet

This ornament will now become a Christmas gift for my oldest nephew and his wife.

This one contains bits and pieces of designs from a variety of sources
Santa is from BH&G Treasury of Cross Stitch; 
the bow garland is adapted from Jeanette Crews '59 Christmas Motifs';
'JOY' and the Christmas trees from BH&G Love Heart freebie;
the angels are adapted from Pat Waters 'A Christmas Collection'.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness Report for May

Two months since I last posted - and not  much stitching done in that time-frame. I did, however, have a lovely camping holiday that I enjoyed very much.  We traveled south, and camped by several rivers and lakes.  I saw many beautiful sunsets, and a few majestic sunrises (I'm sure there were more, but I slept through them), stunning night skies, and beautiful bird life.  This is a snap taken at Lake Cargelligo in western NSW, the last of our campsites.  From the camper van door I could touch these trees. The most amazing thing for me about Lake Cargelligo (apart from the most beautiful sunrises, which spanned 360 deg around the lake) was that when I stood on the edge of the lake and looked right around it, all i saw was natural vegetation - no development at all.  Of course, there was a small town just 3 km behind me, but I was able to block that from my thoughts!

So, my stitching, such as it is. No progress at all to report on Christmas Dreams - Santa is still resting. I did stitch five ornaments which I have not yet made up, and four more tiny  Christmas cross stitched designs which I have framed in tiny frames.

The teddy bear design is adapted from a chart in LA's Christmas Miniatures leaflet.

 These ornaments are for Kiwi sisters,grandchildren of an old friend.  I still have a little stitching to do on the back of Annabelle's ornament.

 Santa Alphabet from LA's Ultimate Alphabets book.

I stitched this for one of my nieces. I changed the colours, made a few adjustments to the design to define the areas more strongly, and to accommodate my finishing method, and added the beads.
Better Homes & Gardens on-line freebie from

This ornament is for my youngest sister.  It's a mix of designs from a variety of sources.  The Santa chart is in BH&G Treasury of Christmas Cross Stitch 2003; 'JOY' and the tree shapes are from the BH&G heart freebie (above); and the angels are from Pat Waters 'A Christmas Collection 1986.

This one is for another niece.  It's adapted from The Drawn Thread's on-line freebie First Snow.  I changed the birds to hearts, omitted the snow flakes and snow, and added the star button and the greeting.  And of course I chose my own fabric and floss (I was hundreds of km from the nearest needlework shop - I had to use what I had with me).

So, there it is. Not much to show for two months work, but  all I have.  I will be finishing these ornaments in the next week or so, and then I think I will stitch a few more of the ornaments on this year;s 'To Do' list.   I fear that there'll be no progress on Christmas Dreams at the June report.