Thursday, July 25, 2019

Smalls Report for July

I missed last month's Smalls SAL, but I am happy to have stitched some Smalls this month. I did no stitching at all while I was away in the caravan on my trek round Australia in June and the first 3 weeks of July. We travelled just on 15,000 km (9,350 miles) in 52 days, visiting all but one of our mainland States. I had a great time enjoying the ever changing countryside. These are some of my favourite pics.

In the week or so that I have been home I have stitched one more Christmas gift - another dinosaur name sampler. Six little dinosaurs for my  two year old great-niece, who is fascinated by dinosaurs at present.  Believe it or not, the fabric is antique white. The designer of the dinosaur alphabet is Clare Crompton. I changed the dinosaurs around, and also changed the floss colours for the letters.

I stitched them all together on the one fabric piece, with a view to framing the sampler in a purchased frame.

I will enjoy visiting all the Smalls blogs to see what everyone has been working on.