Thursday, May 14, 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness report for May

It's May 15 - time for the monthly Gifted Gorgeousness (GG) Report. Jo at Serendipitous Stitching hosts GG.  Anything that is stitched to be gifted, or is stitched with gifted supplies, qualifies for the GG report.

I have no Christmas ornaments to show this month. Hopefully there will be a few next month. I do have some gift stitching, though.  have stitched a birth sampler for my newest great nephew. I used the same dinosaur alphabet (designer Clare Cromoton) I had used for his first cousin's birth sampler a few years ago. I am hoping that my framer will be able to re-open his business soon so I can get it framed for his first birthday in September. I had intended to use the dinosaur alphabet for his second name, but I was limited by the size limits of my lap-frame, so I reduced the letter size and eliminated the dinosaurs to fit his second name on the fabric width I was using. I added the dinosaurs on the bottom row for balance. I was quite happy with the result. The photo really doesn't do it justice. The fabric is a pale blue 28 count evenweave.

My second piece is an unfinished name sampler for another young great-nephew. I have just one more letter to stitch - the B to make the name Boden. I'm using Allura's Australian Alphabet (designer Guy Hayes) for this one.  For non-Aussies, the O is a native orchid, the D is a Delicate Mouse, the E is an echidna, and the N is a numbat. The B will be a brolga (a native bird). Again, the photo is not great. The fabric is the same pale blue evenweave I used for George's birth sampler. I used DMC floss instead of the charted floss, and changed floss colours  in some of the letters.

I'm working my way through my 2020 stitching list. Just one more name sampler (for Boden's sister Niva) and a few Christmas ornaments left. I am starting to think about bringing my HAED Christmas Dreams out to the stitching corner. It's been a long time since it saw the light of day. My memory is pretty hazy, but I think it's over 3 years since I have touched it. I can recall stitching on it in February or March 2017, but not since then.  It's about 30% finished, so there's a lot of stitching waiting to be done.