Monday, December 14, 2020

Gifted Gorgeousness Report for December 2020

 Wow! What a year - and it is almost over. This year there have been so many changes to adapt to, and more constraints than I have experienced as an adult. The only consolation is that we were all in it together, and there was good reason for the changed behavioural requirements.  One outcome for me was extra time at home, most of which I was able to use for stitching. This being the 15th of December, it is time for the monthly Gifted Gorgeousness (GG) report.  GG is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.  Anything stitched to be gifted, or stitched with gifted supplies, qualifies for inclusion in the GG report.

In the past month I have stitched five Christmas ornaments - a Santa initial adapted from LA's Alphabets Galore book, and four that just grew as I stitched. This brings to 75 the total number of Christmas ornaments I have stitched and finished this year. Of these 63 are to he gifted this Christmas  and the remaining 12 are mine, but were stitched with gifted supplies.

I used the last of the gifted fabric from  which I made most of my 12 Days of Christmas ornaments to create a new set of wings for a rescued angel who had lost her wings. The angel stands 60cm (24") tall, and I think she is quite beautiful. She was the first of my Advent gifts for this year, and now she is standing watch over the Advent gifts.

I added some crochet and beaded butterflies to finish off this little shopping bag for my 3 year old niece. I made it to use up some cotton left over from a sundress I made for her earlier in the year.

I made another cotton crochet shopping bag, which will be a Christmas Gift for a 5 yr old greatniece.  

I made another 20 beaded angels this month, bringing this year's total for beaded angels to 35. Most will be gifted, but I will keep some of the cream pearl drop angels (my favourites!). I am shoe-horning them into GG  as the pearls I used to make them were a birthday gift.

Earlier in the year I stitched name samplers for a little brother and sister, and a birth sampler for a greatnephew.  They came home from the framer last week, and I am very happy with them. They are all to be Christmas gifts. I had Boden and Niva's samplers framed in the same wood used for their older brother's name sampler 5 years ago, and George's mum opted for a white frame.

This year I stitched a total of 24 pages of HAED Christmas Dreams, which leaves 22 pages still to stitch. Christmas Dreams is stitched with gifted supplies (except for a few skeins of floss).

This is where I started on Christmas Dreams in June this year, after a long rest:

And this is what Christmas Dreams looks like now, at completion of the 44th page:

I have enjoyed participating in the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL once again this year. It's a bright spot in my month! I hope to do it all again next year.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Advent Blog Hop

 Jo from  Serendipitous Stitching hosts the Advent Blog Hop, which is one of the blog hops I most enjoy.  Pop over to Jo's blog to find the doors that lead to each day's Advent blog post.  This year we have been asked to show something with a Christmas or winter theme that we have crafted, and to answer the question that Jo has set for the hop participants.

I have decided to show my Dowelling  Christmas Tree. It is a tree of my own design, made by my partner many years ago. The trees consist of a central wood post through which holes have been bored to take pieces of dowelling that form the branches. It is 3 dimensional, in that there are three branches at each level - one each side of the central post, and one at a 90 degree angle to the central post. It hangs on a picture hook in the wall when in use, and after Christmas the branches come out for easy storage. My trees are painted gold at present, though for the first 10 years they were painted green. I have two of these trees, one a little larger than the other.  The smaller one is 150cm (5') tall.  On one I hang angels, on the other I hang Santas. I like these trees because I can hang hundreds of ornaments on each tree, many more than I could hang on a conventional tree.  The ornaments are clearly visible, and the trees do not take floor space, which is in high demand in my house at Christmas. They are not my only Christmas trees (I have five other large Christmas trees, and dozens of small ones) but they are the ones I most enjoy decorating. 

My Angel Tree

My Santa Tree

I'm now wondering if I can really claim the dowelling trees as something I have crafted. The concept was mine but I didn't actually make the trees.  So, here is something Christmassy that I did craft myself. It is L&L's Oh Christmas Tree, and it's one of my (many) favourite Christmas stitcheries. I remember that I had a moment of panic when I was stitching it: suddenly I couldn't find my place on the chart, and nothing looked familiar. It took me longer than it should have to realise that I had inadvertently turned the chart over - one side of the chart had a graph for the decorated tree (which I was stitching), and the other side had a graph for an undecorated tree. I hadn't noticed that before.

 Jo has asked us to nominate our favourite Christmas book.  Not a particularly easy task for me. I do like books  and I have quite a large number of Christmas books.  After lots of thought, I decided on Anne Geddes' 12 Days of Christmas book.  It is a most delightful book, containing (as one might expect of an Anne Geddes book) pictures of babies posed in 12 Days of Christmas scenes. Some do require a little imagination. I choose to believe that no babies were harmed in the production of the book. Certainly they all look quite relaxed and cooperative.  

Thank you for visiting. I hope your Christmas is a happy one, and that 2021 brings a healthier and more settled year.