Friday, July 15, 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness Report, July

July already. I'm not ready for it! Strictly speaking, I've missed the Gifted Gorgeousness reporting day, but fortunately for me, in most of the world it's still the 15th July, so I will just sneak in my report.  GG is hosted by Jo at  Serendipitous Stitching.

I stitched tiny Christmas stocking ornaments for the 6 year old twins of a new friend. If you've visited here before you will recognise the Santa stockings, as I have stitched many over the last few years. The chart I started with is Kooler Design Studio's 'Littlest Stockings', charted for plastic canvas. I smoothed out all the edges, made a few changes to the face, stitched a 'cuff', and added a back to make a real little stocking, just big enough to hold one of my beaded Christmas angels.

In June I joined Shannon Christine's Christmas Club, and stitched Days 1 and 2 of her 12 Days of Christmas set. I have now also stitched Days 3 and 4, and I have made all 4 up into Christmas ornaments 

My photography needs some work.  Despite appearances, all four are stitched on the same fabric, which is closer in colour to the bottom set than the top one, but not as dull looking as the bottom set. We are getting the charts 2 per month. I'm expecting Days 5 & 6 to arrive on August 1. My aim is to stitch and make up each set of 2 in the month I receive the charts, and also to stitch the external borders and the ornament backs for the next set of charts.