Thursday, October 27, 2022

Smalls Report, October

 Mary at  Mary's Thread hosts the Smalls SAL on the last Friday of each month. Any small projects completed in the month are eligible for inclusion.

This month I stitched 14 more tiny designs and framed them in little gold-coloured frames at a niece's request. She is going to gift them at Christmas. The little Santa is a Sam Hawkins design, and it's a Kooler angel (with a few modifications). The others just grew as I stitched.

This month I also stitched and finished up six little beaded Christmas tree ornaments, to add to my take-home gift basket for Christmas visitors.

I should have some Smalls to show next month, but I am almost at the end of my 2022 stitching list. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

October Gifted Gorgeousness Report

 I'm late (again) with my Gifted Gorgeousness Report.  The days are just slipping away way too quickly.  Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month, and pretty much anything stitched with gifted supplies, or destined to be gifted, qualifies for inclusion. 

I've not got much to show this month. I did finish Days 9 & 10 of Shannon Christine's 12 Days of Christmas set, and I am trying to be patient as I wait for the arrival of the charts for the final two days so that I can complete the set.


A niece asked me to make some tiny stitched Christmas items she can use as small gifts, so I stitched some little designs and framed them in some tiny frames I have had in my stash for over 10 years.  

I hope to make up at least another box or two  (6 frames per box) for my niece.  I'll probably go with all trees, as they are my favourites.

I also made a batch of 20 beaded angels to add to my take-home gift basket for Christmas visitors. These angels are about 7cm (nearly 3") long. The bodies are clear cut glass, and colour up beautifully as they catch the light.

And that's all I have to show this month.