Sunday, February 22, 2009

Making progress...

I have been stitching away on page 3 of Jolly Old Fellow, and I am so pleased to report that I have now stitched all the sky on page 3, and have started on the red portion of Santa's hat. Yay! Though the sky stitches up quicker, being composed of large solid colour blocks with only small sections requiring frequent colour changes, I do find it tedious, and I much prefer stitching the coloured parts of the chart. The frequent floss changes make it more interesting for me - and it certainly provides more thread ends for my Totally Useless SAL jar! I love seeing the shading develop as I stitch.

1 comment:

  1. Atta girl, you're thinking, ha ha ha ha ha. Only a couple of days before you get to show off your Useless container (LOL). So when do we get to see this red hat? I expect it will be white fringe pretty soon now.
