Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Totally Useless SAL

Here's my Totally Useless SAL jar. I think I met the challenge to double its contents in the past month. I am totally amazed at the quantity of stitching waste I create. I find it fascinating to have a stitching trail - looking at the jar I can re-create in my mind my stitching progress in 2009. At the bottom there are the red, green, and gold threads from the tiny Christmas designs I stitched in January including an empty reel of DMC fil or, then all the floss tags from kitting up Jolly Old Fellow, then masses of sky-coloured threads, then more Christmas colours from the February ornies I stitched, and finally the threads from JOF's hat - reds, oranges, pinks, cream and white. Is there a 12 step program for ort addiction? - I may need to find out one day...


  1. I do think you've met the challenge, how cool. I'm not sure I did, sigh. Maybe we should start a 12 step program (LOL). Day before yesterday I got to 'looking' at my jar and took that pleasant trip down memory lane too....It came into my mind I wonder if we could make a collage from these scraps, like they do with quilt scraps? Maybe by the end of the year we can come up with something.

    home of The Totally Useless SAL

  2. Sounds interesting. I'm probably not going to be happy to discard the contents of the jar at the end of the SAL. Perhaps some torn up tissue paper and glue and a bit of creativity will turn the orts into a papier mache treasure - it's worth a thought ...

  3. What an interesting can tell what you stitched throughout the year by the color of threads! Nice job...keep up the good work.
