Sunday, January 25, 2015

My first 'Finishes' for 2015

Yesterday and today were spent with cardboard, felt, beads and floss, finishing six of the seven Christmas ornaments I have stitched this month.  The nutcracker designs come from Jeremiah Junction's 'The Nutcracker Factory III' booklet (1993).  The Santa teddy bear is a Dale Burdett design from 'A Mini Christmas' booklet, the Santa design is by Barbara Mock, from a 'Christmas Quickies' booklet, and the little stocking is very heavily adapted from LA's 'Christmas Caboodle' leaflet.


  1. Beautiful finishes - great use of beads for the hangers

  2. WONDERFUL!!! I have this book, but it's always so much different see these designs actually completed, instead of digitally colored.

  3. Very lovely, a super gift for Christmastime.

  4. Great ornies! I see you have stitched one for me with my surname LOL
