Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happy Days at my house

I have two things to be happy about (apart from the many usual things).  The first is undoubtedly the most important. We survived the recent storm front with minimal damage, and now have power restored to the house after 60 hours with no power in an all-electric house.  Our only damage (apart from large branches and plant pots down, and debris everywhere in the garden and courtyard) was damage caused to a largeish section of roof tiles and capping bu branches from a near-by tree.   This resulted in flooding of our laundry and  water into a small section of the bedroom.  We had no land-line phone coverage and not enough mobile coverage to make or receive calls, but I texted every roof tiler in the phone book, and one responded and fixed the damage.  I was so grateful, as if it hadn't been fixed there would have been a lot more damage to the internal walls and ceilings.  It was a ferocious storm which lasted from Monday afternoon to Thursday morning, and resulted in major flooding in the Hunter.  At least six people lost their lives, and many lost their houses.  There were 8,000 power lines brought down by trees, and many roads (including mine) blocked by fallen trees. Some areas have still not had power restored.  So, I really have nothing to complain about, and a lot to be grateful for, when you look at the bigger picture.  Unfortunately, though I had a lot of time on my hands during the storm, the light available, even in the middle of the day, was not bright enough to read by, let alone stitch, so I had a lot of thinking time!  I give thanks to the disaster coverage provided by the local ABC radio station, which was our only contact with the outside world.  Having gone through a previous 6 day power outage in 2007, I always make sure I have a battery operated radio, torches, and plenty of extra batteries at hand, and we brought in our little portable gas camping stove so we were able to cook simple meals.

And the second reason for happiness is the completion of my Santa ornament (though it is not yet finished into an ornament).
Santa ornament designed by Melinda Blackman,
 from Cross My Heart's "Christmas Magic" booklet (1992)

I stitched him over 2 on 28 count Jobelan.  He took me longer than I thought, as there were lots of floss changes and so much back-stitching.  I added blending floss to the baubles on the right, but apart from that stitched it with the charted floss (unusual for me!).  I have stitched this as a Christmas gift for my youngest sister, for whom I have stitched a Christmas ornament or framed cross stitch every year since 1984.  I have kitted up an angel ornament from the same designer and booklet, to stitch for my second sister, but I may do a few less complicated designs first, and work up to the angel!

Now I have to get back to my post-storm clearing and cleaning.  So far I have done 5 loads of washing, and that's not the end of it.  And this afternoon I have to venture out to the grocery shop to replenish the fridge and freezer - I had to throw out bags of food, but fortunately not my store of frozen meat, which my niece, who had power, stored for me.


  1. What a terrible storm that must have been with so much damage and even lives lost. So good to know that the damage you experienced could be fixed. And that you have power again.

    I love the little Santa ornament you finished for your sister.

  2. I'm so glad you and your family are ok after the storm.

    I love your ornament. It looks very detailed.

    Hope you have a safe and relaxing weekend.

  3. Glad that you made it through the storm unscathed.

    Congrats on finished your ornament.

  4. Good to read you are ok after such a bad storm.
    Well done on completing your ornament stitching

  5. Gosh, what a scary experience. We don't really have storms like that here but hubby is still talking about getting a small generator to keep for emergencies. We have dual fuel oil/wood heating BUT the pumps are powered by electricity so we could only heat the lounge!
    Last power cut he wired a converter to the car battery so the freezer stayed on and we were allowed one light too!
