Come visit with me as I stitch and craft my way from one Christmas to the next - I like to have Christmas projects close by me all year. I have a particular fondness for Santas and Angels. If you have the time, leave a comment so I know you've visited.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Yay! - We're half-way to Christmas

Just six more months to go to Christmas Day. That thought brings a smile to my face! It's no accident that I have some little beaded Christmas trees to show today.  They will all be Christmas gifts. I love making these beaded tree ornaments, they always make me feel joyous.

First up, Christmas trees for two friends (former work colleagues) who always visit me at Christmas.

 These two are for neighbour children.

This pair is for an Irish-Aussie brother and sister.

And finally, ornaments for another young sister and brother, members of my niece's extended family.


Julie said...

Such a special Christmas gift.

Brigitte said...

Such lovely ornaments.

Justine said...

Very pretty! Can't believe we're halfway to Christmas already. Where is this year going?

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Your opening sentence gave me palpitations! Don't remind me how fast the year is going!

Your ornies are as lovely as ever.