Come visit with me as I stitch and craft my way from one Christmas to the next - I like to have Christmas projects close by me all year. I have a particular fondness for Santas and Angels. If you have the time, leave a comment so I know you've visited.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness Report for May

There's not been much stitching happening in my house recently, though I should be able to settle down with my needle more often now that things are getting back to what passes for normal here.  It has been an emotional few weeks, but things are more under control now.

I did make up all the ornaments I had stitched by the April report.
Teddy is a freebie from DMC website (colours changed).
Santa initials from Santa alphabet in LA's Alphabets Galore 
(colours changed and some changes to design).
The beaded trees are my own design.

I have stitched (but not yet made up) three more Christmas ornaments.  The first is destined to be a Christmas gift for a one year old Aussie-American great nephew living in New York. The front is on the right, the back is on the left.
The teddy is a Dale Burdett design, from 'A Mini Christmas' 
booklet (floss colours changed).
The kangaroo is from the 'Emblems of Australia in Cross Stitch' book,
 designer Marianne J Porteners (floss colours changed).

The other two Christmas ornaments are Christmas gifts for two little English brothers, grandchildren of an old friend. This time, the front is on the left, and the back is on the right.  Despite evidence to the contrary, the ornaments are the same size.

The Santa initials are from the Santa alphabet in LA's Alphabets Galore booklet (1998).
As usual, I changed the floss colours, and I also filled in the blank areas on Santa's sleeve.

Way back in the last 2 weeks of April (it seems like ages ago) I did work on Christmas Dreams (chart, fabric, and most of the floss purchased with birthday money).  I finished my seventh page, but I haven't touched it at all in May - in fact, I banished it upstairs while my house was filled with visitors, and it hasn't yet made its way downstairs to my stitching chair.. I hope to have some progress to show next month - maybe. Here's what it looked like when I took it upstairs.

That's it for me.  I'm keen to look at all the lovely blogs to see what everyone has been stitching in the past month.


CathieJ said...

Wow, those are beautiful ornaments. I love the Alphabet Santas.

Sheryl said...

What lovely ornaments and finishes.

jocondine said...

Visiting you, I have already thought of making ornaments for the new babies of the family. Now, with all these lovely examples and explanations, I must make the promise of showing them in a next GG post. Thanks for sharing. Amitiés

Le trame della Galaverna said...

Very beautiful works

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month.

I adore the tiny kangaroo on the back of the Australian ornie, such a nice touch.

Hope things are getting back to normal again now.

Julie said...

Your ornaments are always so delightful.

Mini said...

As always you ornaments are beautiful. However Christmas Dreams is catching my eye. I like how the design is growing with tiny details.

Stitching Noni said...

Love the ornies :o)
Hopefully life is settling down again for you!
Hugs xx