Tuesday, February 21, 2017

HD - Page and row finish, Christmas Dreams

So happy - Christmas Dreams is now 30% stitched!  Today I put in the final stitches in my 18th page, finishing the first three rows of pages.It's starting to look like a real Christmas picture now.  I am quite enjoying stitching this one sideways, now that I have adjusted to mentally turning all the floss symbols around as I stitch. It is nice seeing the picture grow in vertical rather than horizontal slices.

So, here is where I am now:

I have stitched 5 pages this year, and I am happy with that. I will be taking a short break from Christmas Dreams - just a week or so - while I finish up the little framed Christmas trees and also finish up Angus's height chart.  I'll be back stitching on Christmas Dreams before the end of February.


  1. Congratulations on your page and row finish. It didn't take you long to catch up from your error. :)

  2. Wow!! Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment. It looks wonderful.

  3. This is amazing. You are powering through this and have so much progress to share. This is going to be a beautiful.

  4. Such a friendly face Santa has.
