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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sad news

I had an emergency trip to the vet today with my Maddie (12 year old Maltese). She just wasn't herself, very drowsy and floppy, and not eating. It doesn't seem that she's in pain, but there's obviously something major going on. I'm waiting for blood test results (which may or may not help in the problem identification), and not much the wiser about what's amiss. The vet suspects there's some intracranial problem, given that she did have a couple of grand mal fits earlier in the year, and there are some abnormalities with some of her spinal nerve tests. She's still drinking water, but has taken hardly any food yesterday or today. She has a bit of a temp, but the vet thinks that could be caused by the physiological changes in her brain rather than an infection. She may be having petit mal fits, but I've seen no sign of that today. I am so worried about the poor little pet. I am grateful that she appears not to be in pain, and also that she is not agitated, but appears very peaceful. I hope that tomorrow I can get her to eat some of the special food the vet has given me. She is still drinking water from the bowl, and I am also very grateful for that.

I just assumed that Maddie would be with me for another 4 or 5 years, and I don't like the thought that I may be going to lose her soon. The vet says that they simply can offer no treatment if she has a brain tumour or haemorrage causing the problem.

1 comment:

sew susie said...

Yes this is indeed sad and very worrying news for you. I totally understand how you feel and hope that tomorrow brings some improvement in Maddie's health and a good report from her vet.
Take care of you as well.