Come visit with me as I stitch and craft my way from one Christmas to the next - I like to have Christmas projects close by me all year. I have a particular fondness for Santas and Angels. If you have the time, leave a comment so I know you've visited.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Easter Blog Hop

 The Easter Blog Hop is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.  I always enjoy this blog hunt each year, and it is fun to collect the letters and discover the phrase.

My Spring picture is one I stitched last year, for Miss Sarah's 5th birthday.  It's a shoehorn job, but both the unicorn and the girl  do have a garland of spring flowers, and it was the only non-Christmas pic I could find. 

This is the letter Jo gave me to share:

Your next blog is here.


diamondc said...

Totally love the design you did last year.


Roni said...

That's very cute, I bet she was delighted with her lovely unicorn. Happy Easter x

jocondine said...

Such a lovely stitching, the kid must love it! So sweet, thanks for the letter. Joyeuses Fêtes de Pâques ! xxx

DJ said...

I adore your unicorn picture! So sweet! I hope you enjoy your Easter! Thanks for the letter ...

Astrids dragon said...

What an adorable piece, I love the unicorn!
Hoppy Easter!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in the Easter Hop this year. I love your unicorn, I bet they have their baby unicorns in Spring like horses and all the other animals do!

Sheryl said...

Very pretty design. Thank you for the letter. Happy Easter.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Thanks for the letter, happy Easter 🐣

Mary's Thread said...

Spring cutie! Happy Easter!

Leonore Winterer said...

Love how you snuck a little Christmas into the Easter hop! Thanks for the letter.

Sandy said...

I was pretty sure I had left a comment back when this post orginated, but don't see it. Sorry if I missed you when I did my blog walking through my blog list. Hope you had a nice Easter with friends/family. Keep stitching, it's always fun to see your projects.
Sandy's Space

JBee said...

I love your beaded Christmas trees that you make to give away as gifts. I'm curious whether you have a stitched tree to attach the beads to or whether you attach the beads directly to fabric in a Christmas tree shape?

Elfie said...

I do stitch a tree shape first, because I really don't have a 'stop beading' button, and I need the discipline of the stitched tree.