Come visit with me as I stitch and craft my way from one Christmas to the next - I like to have Christmas projects close by me all year. I have a particular fondness for Santas and Angels. If you have the time, leave a comment so I know you've visited.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Gifted Gorgeousness Report for August

I'm a little late for the August Gifted Gorgeousness report, once again. Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.  Most of my stitching meets the requirements for inclusion in the GG report, as it is stitched with gifted supplies and/or stitched to be gifted.

This year I have been stitching Jim Shore's 12 Days of Christmas, as individual ornaments. I am very happy to be able to show the final three ornaments in the set.

And here is the complete set. They are stitched 1 over 1 on 20 count, and each measures 13cm (a tad over 5") square. I replaced the charted beads with 2 over 1 cross stitches, omitted the charms and the charted border, added my own Smyrna cross and bead border, and made a few little changes to some to compensate for the missing charms (and sometimes to meet my need for symetry).

These stitched designs will be made into Christmas ornaments for the pets on my stitching list. The wreaths are Clare Crompton designs.  The little tree is adapted from a  Barbara Mock design.

These little Dale Burdett Santa teddies are for two toddlers who will be celebrating their second Christmasses this year.

The final group features Santas. From the top, the designers are Jim Hawkins, Jeanette Crews, Barbara Mock, and Joy Averitt. 


diamondc said...

Hello Elfie: Wow you have been busy, the 12 Days Jum Shore are lovely as are all you Christmas stitching, I am looking forward to seeing them all completed and hanging in a tree.


DJ said...

Hi Elfie! You are like me, stitching Christmas ornaments all year long! I just received the Jim Shore 12 Days pattern as a gift, and hope to stitch it soon! As I love all things over one and small I may use some of your creative ways to substitute beads and charms with different stitches! That was genius! Your stitching is lovely and whomever receives your ornaments will really have a treasure! Happy Stitching!

JBee said...

Hello, I'm curious if you have ever posted on your blog how you approach making the heavily beaded Christmas trees that are your own design? I love these trees, they would be a good project for left over beads from Mill Hill kits, etc.

Astrids dragon said...

Your 12 Days of Christmas turned out beautifully! Will you be keeping them all?
All the rest look great too, I especially like the Jim Hawkins Santa.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Your Jim Shore ornaments look stunning! The colours are so vibrant and your changes look great.
Lovely to see the latest batch of ornaments too, love the gold Santa. He’s a bit wizard-like!

jocondine said...

12 DoC look wonderful, definitely one of my favorite ornaments! Christmas stitchings are great as allways and as there is a new baby in a friend home, I must do a 1st Chr. baby stitching this year taking example on you. xxx