Another pair of reindeer stitched - just one more pair to go now, and then the message to stitch. I've decided to stitch the final line of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'. It will go under the reindeer, perhaps in three lines of text:
Merry Christmas
to all
and to all a good night
(if those are the actual words - I haven't yet checked to see how accurate my memory is on this one). Looks like I'll have my alphabet charts out soon, to work out the text details.
I'm starting to feel confident that I may finish this project by the end of February. If I do, that will be the earliest I've finished a Christmas project in the 19 years I have been stitching myself an annual Christmas cross-stitch. As soon as Midnight Journey is off my floor-frame I am going to put my HAED Jolly Old Fellow back on. I will work on it all March and April, and see if I can get at least another page stitched. It really is such a beautiful Santa, and it does deserve to get some attention soon.
Enough about stitching - on to more important news. here's Miss Maddie in her favourite position these days:
It's almost 1am, and I have an early start tomorrow, so I'd better start thinking of bed. Tomorrow I'm taking my Dad for the first of five visits to the denture clinic, and that may be an interesting experience for all concerned. He is suffering from dementia, and has almost no short-term memory. He lives in a secure aged care hostel, but seems to think he's in prison. He is usually quite delightful, but if the mood takes him he can really spit the dummy - not tomorrow, I hope!
I'm so happy Maddie is doing a little better. Hope it will cool down a bit for her (and for you too!) I hope all goes well with your dad!
Good luck with Dad. What an adventure.
I'd like to know what you grease your needles with because your speed is overwheming!!!!
I can understand your doggie wanting to stay in the cool air conditioned house. She looks sweet laying there in her bed.
I love the progress you've made on Midnight Journey! It is a beautiful piece!!!
Stay cool....winter will be upon you before you know it!
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