My little Maddie gave me a fright last week. I was just about ready to head for bed at 2am, and as I pushed my floor-frame away I saw Maddie was fitting on the lounge. Just half an hour before she had asked to go out, and when she came in she jumped upp on the 3 seater lounge and made herself a nest out of the scatter cushions, as she often does at night. She was perfectly fine then. By the time I got to her she had stopped fitting and was conscious but she was very unresponsive and floppy, and became absolutely white and so cold (usually she has a very pink skin - it looked like someone had emptied a tin of baby powder over her, she was so white). The vet later said she went into cardiogenic shock, and we still don't know why she fitted, and why the fit was followed by cardiogenic shock - according to the vet, it's not what usually happens after a fit. I wrapped her up to keep her warm, and held her close, and it was 4am before she started warming up, and 4.30am before her behaviour became more normal. I was so scared that she was going to die. The fact that it was the day before her 12th birthday seemed to make it sadder for me. I got no sleep at all that night, but Maddie slept from 4.30am till 8am and when she woke it was business as usual - her behaviour was absolutely normal, and has been since, though she is sleeping more than she used to during the day. But when she's awake, she's as active as she ever was. We don't know why she had the fit - we're keeping a close eye on her, and she's had no more to date. I hope I can keep saying that! It doesn't look as if she's developed diabetes (which the vet said is one of the things that can precipitate fitting), and she's not on any drugs which would induce fitting. I'm hoping she has no more fits, and I certainly hope she doesnt go into shock again - that was way too scary.
My Dad is doing it tough right now, too He suffers from dementia, and right now he's very troubled. I've had a number of phone calls from him in the past week, very distressed, thinking he's destitute and about to be evicted, and worrying about where he parked the car (he's not had one since 1985, and gave up his licence in 2002), and thinking the police are looking for him. Sometimes he thinks he's in jail, othertimes he thinks he's in a motel or in someone else's home. I wish he wasn't so distressed. I visit him three or four times a week, and always take him out for coffee or an ice-cream, and he always seems to enjoy the outing, and is happy enough to go back inside when we get back to the hostel. He happily heads for the dining room each time a meal or snack is announced over the loudspeaker, but he won't join in any of the scheduled activities. He's always packing up his belongings in most creative ways (eg turning singlets into carry bags by tying up the ends, and stuffing them full of 'treasures'). I am amazed by what he can pack in his walking frame - tied on by belts and braces, it's truly a work of art. I hope he cycles out of this distressed state soon and returns to a more settled one.
Sending prayers for your dad and Maddie.
Also nice progress on JOF.
I am sorry to see that you have had such a stressful time lately. I hope Maddie continues to stay well. I understand about your Dad, not at all an easy road to go down, for either of you. My Mum had severe Alzheimer's. We somehow survived more than ten years of this with her.
I hope he settles for you soon.
JOF would be wonderful to work on for some respite during such a stressful time.
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