Saturday, October 24, 2009
Still working with angels ...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Playing with angels ... again
Monday, October 19, 2009
Totally Useless SAL - October

I've had to press down the contents of my jar - it was looking quite full before I did that, but now there's plenty of room again. You can see that most of the threads I've been working with in the past month are in the white-cream range. They were from the skirt of my Angel. There are a few reds and greens from the floral trim, some gold metallics from the Angel's harp, and some blues from the Angel's trailing scarf. There are also a few broken needles, an empty needle packet, and quite a few floss tags added since last pic. It's hard to believe that there are just 2 more TUSAL days this year. The year has just flown by.
Moving on ...

Friday, October 16, 2009
HD at my house tonight!

My Angel is finished at last. She is so gorgeous! I am really pleased with the beads in the floral trim and gold border. I like the way it adds a little sparkle to the piece. I shortened the trailing shawl, and I'm not sure if I've done the right thing there. I'll leave it overnight and reassess tomorrow. My Angel is 65 cm (26") tall, so she's a stately lady. Finshing the shawl as charted will add another 5 cm (2") or so. I didn't really like the long trailing shawl as charted, bt it did give the Angel the impression of being heart-shaped, and I do like that.
I haven't yet stitched my iitials and the year - another job for tomorrow. I think I will also stitch "Angel of Hope". I'm toying with the idea of using the gold beads for the labelling. If not the beads, I'll use a mid-dark blue.
I'll be off to the framer on Monday with my Angel.
Monday, October 12, 2009
On the home stretch now ...