This is where I've been lately - at local markets, selling all the things I've been making during the year. Or trying to sell might be a more accurate description. For the past 10 years I've had stalls at local markets in the October-December period each year, selling my cross stitched and beaded Christmas and gift items, and they usually sell really well. This year it is a different story. I've attended 4 markets at 3 different venues, and all have been so very slow. I've still been getting lots of nice comments from market-goers, but very few sales. Today's market was my best one yet for sales, but it was way below the worst sales day last year. I only have another 3 markets booked, and I hope that both sales and the weather improve for them (it's rained at 3 of the 4 markets I attended, all outdoor markets - a major hassle). I certainly haven't covered my market costs this year so far, and I'm still out of pocket for the cost of the materials. Right now I'm debating whether to continue with markets after this year. I'll reserve judgement till this year's markets are over. Though, as I have 4 suitcases filled with things I've already made, I probably need to continue with the markets till I sell at least some of my stock.
My mind is now straying to thoughts of all those extra stitching hours I would have for more projects of my own if I stop making items to sell at the markets ... this could be dangerous territory!
Have you looked into selling your stock on etsy? I am sorry your sales have been few. Hope it picks up for your remaining shows! hugs!
Hi Kelly. I don't know etsy. I'll have to check it out. I did put two things on eBay, but they didn't sell so i didn't try it again. They're forecasting rain here for my next Market day, so I'm not feeling hopeful!
I have used Etsy in the past. It is for handmade items, sometimes other items find there way on there, but it was created for crafters. I think for handmade items it is better than ebay. Some of the quilt patterns I have used in the past, I have purchased on there. I hope the rain stays away for you! I sold crafts when I was a single mother back in my late teens and it is a hard business. Everyone likes what you make, but many think "I can make that myself". Hugs!
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