My Angel is growing very slowly, I'm afraid. So many choices about where to stitch, and as you can see I have bits started all over the place. But still no wings in sight
. I will be making a start on stitching the wings tomorrow, just as soon as I decide whether or not to replace one or both of the darker stitches in the wings with beads. I keep vacillating between using beads and sticking with the floss as charted. I will probably go with the floss, but I think the beads would look lovely. Of course, I don't yet have any beads in the right shades, so I'll need to make a trip to my lns soon if I do go with the beads option. I'm certainly using floss for the white stitches, so I guess I could start with those, and defer the bead/floss decision till later if necessary.
Lynne - you are amazing! What great progress!
Do you do the beads while stitching or when the stitching is completely finished. I think beads would look lovely, but I'm not "brave" enough to do too many beads. I have two L and L patterns started, but they sadly still sit in my UFO box.
Grace looks beautiful!
She is coming along beautifully. Beads would be lovely on her wings.
Kelly, I just add the beads as I stitch - when soing just the occasional bead I use the charted cross stitch to stitch the bead -ie I bring up the needle through the fabric, add the bead, finish the first half of the cross stitch, then on the second half of the cross stitch I take the needle through the bead again.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
I saw this completed with beads at the bottom hem instead of the floss....it was beautiful.
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