My jar has made it to the end of the TUSAL year, and I still have some room to spare. I did have to press the contents down quite severely, cause at one stage it looked like the jar wasn't going to make it, and I did have to upgrade to a larger jar mid-way through the year. Since my last photo I've collected lots of white green and red threads and several broken needles from Angel of Hope; blues, reds and white toned threads and more broken needles from Jolly Old Fellow; and lots of Christmas coloured threads from the ornaments I've made. All in all, the TUSAL jar holds the discards from the 89 projects I've worked on this year (2 WIPs and 87 finished projects) and I have really quite enjoyed collecting all this stitching waste. I'm sure my stitching corner has been much cleaner and more organised this year as a result of the TUSAL. I haven't yet decided what to do with the jar contents - it seems so wasteful just to discard them now. It's highly likely that I'm going to continue collecting my threads next year - I've got quite fond of my TUSAL container over the year.
I am impressed with your 87 finishes. I am still filling my jar but haven't posted any pics. While your jar has broken needles - BTW which brand are you using that you have so many broken ones - mine is filled with rusted ones. One disadvantage of living a street from the beach.
Doesn't matter what needles I use (though the gold ones break the quickestI find) - I am so very hard on my needles. I bend them at the threading end - not deliberately, but consistently, and then that end snaps off. I mostly use 28s or sometimes 26s, rarely anything larger. I know it's me and not the needles, because I supplied my niece with her first cross stitch neeedles 8 yrs ago and she's still using the first one she started with - many, many projects later.
It's so amazing the things we grow attached to in our lives! LOL
Your are continuing with us in the TUSAL for 2010 I hope! You could go find one of those old one gallon pickle jars (LOL). I'm like you I go through needles soooooooo fast, and mine snap at the threading end as well....must be something in the way we hold it (LOL).
And yes, I do like playing with the photos, but anymore it has to be something important to make me sit at the computer that long, way too hard on my eyes. I can't read a thing for hours afterward and stitching doesn't come into play for at least one full hour.
I wonder if was to buy needles for Stitchinfiend if she'd let me live with her by the beach, ha ha ha ha ha ha.
87 finished projects? OMG, I have like 5 or so :p So my TUSAL isn't that big
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