I really haven't stitched as much as I would have liked on Angel of Grace this week. I have just a little more of the skirt finished. What stitching time I did have during the week was mostly spent on stitching a mug rug (my first ever) for a challenge/exchange on the Life's a Stitch board. The challenge was to stitch a mug rug featuring a 'funky' (
read colourful) butterfly as the principal design element, and heart/s in at least 3 shades of the recipient's favourite colour as the secondary design element. The recipient's initials also had to be stitched, in pink, in one corner. It took me the best art of the week to design, stitch, and finish my mug rug, and it is now waiting patintly for the mailing date at the end of February.
My Dad is finally a little more settled in the hostel. I wouldn't say he is happy to be there, but he is at least eating, and being civil to us when we visit - a major improvement! He's still spending most of his time in his room, except for meal times when he is going to the dining room. I was pleased to see he has had the radio on each time I've been there in the last few days, as this is more like his usual behaviour. My sister is going to take him out for a couple of hours tomorrow aternoon to visit his 3 yr old great-grandson who lives about an hour's drive away. I hope he will enjoy the outing.
Your Grace is sooooo sparkly! I love the way the wings twinkle ever so subtely!
Your angel is just beautiful. I am so glad that your Dad is starting to accept things.
We've recently been through a similar process of moving an elderly parent into a home (although us Brits call them "residential homes"), and it is qiute emotional even if they have no objections. We were told it takes people about 6 weeks to settle into the routine there.
Your angel is lovely.
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