Page 4 is finally finished. I seem to have been working on it for so long. I really like the holly and berries on Santa's hat fur - they are so realistic. I am now so keen to get pages 5 and 6 stitched, but I have decided to stick with my plan to have a JOF-free week (or maybe 2). I really want to make some beaded angels, a couple of Christmas ornaments, and a bird design quilt square. I'll start with some angel ear-rings tomorrow.
Another reason for the HD is that Ellie is almost back to normal - eating and drinking well, and back to all her normal tricks. Such a blessing!
Yayyy HD for finishing off a page. I am just so please to hear that Elli is feeling much better. I look forward to seeing your beaded angels
I love the holly and berries too! Congrats on finishing page 4!! That's really exciting!
I'm so happy Ellie is feeling better:)
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