I'm starting on the lounge room today. It's a big room, and the theme down here is Santa, though he does share the room with a small number of snowpeople and a few other non-Sants ornaments. My lounge room is where we spend most of our time. It's on the lowest level of the house (it's a three level house, with the entry being to the middle level). When you come down the stairs, this ic is what you see. Starting at the top left, there are trinket boxes, bells, and some fattish Santas on top of the stereo. Next is my vintage tree - it looks as though it's made of a collection of green wire bottle-brushes. I recall having a tree just like this one when I was a youngster. They were the first type of artificial trees readily available in Australia - in the early 1950s. Around this tree are all the Christmas gifts, and baskets of Christmas crackers and take-home gifts for visitors. On the trunk next tot he tree is a collection of mainly nesting Santas, though there are a few other Santas there too. That's a sfar as this pic goes. I'll continue the lounge-room tour tomorrow.
oh wow!! You put me to shame girl!
This really puts me in the mood to decorate too!
Love looking at all your Christmas decorating...need to get busy I guess. Thanks for the inspiration.
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