To take my mind off my troubles
, I finished up three Christmas ornaments I'd stitched up this week.The outside ones are for two brothers I stitch an ornie for each year. The one in the middle was meant for their other brother - but as I stitched the frame I noticed I had used 22 count fabric instead of the 18 count I used for the others. So I'll have to stitch another one now on 18 count - sometimes it's important that siblings are seen to be treated the same.
I'll be starting again on Jolly Old Fellow today. I'm really looking forward to stitching on him after what has turned into a 2 week break.
Soooooooo cute, I really love your beaded hangers!!! Glad JOF is ready to be stitched on again, looking forward to his moving forward.
They are just beautiful. I love how you have finished them.
Beautiful finishes!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wow!! Congrats on 3 amazing finishes!! They're so beautiful:)
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